Flat Rate Economy Shipping
800JPY Flat Rate Shipping
You can choose 800JPY flat rate shipping on SHOPPING CART PAGE.
Shipped by ePacket with tracking
but the total shipping weight must be up to 2kg
and the total value of the items up to 6000-10000JPY
*Rods cannot be shipped by 800JPY flat rate shipping.
*If we find the items can't be shipped by 800 flat, we ask you whether you cancel them or pay an additional charge.
ePacket is available for LESS THAN 2000g respectively
and recommended only for less value than anywhere around 6000-10000JPY considering insurance can cover up to 6000JPY.
Please note that we CANNOT REFUND MORE THAN 6000JPY
when the parcel gets lost, stolen and damaged.
If you prefer fully insured or faster delivery service, CHOOSE EMS.
Or you can ask to upgrade shipping to even faster service like FedEx Fast with additional charge.
EMS, Airmail, ePacket
Shipping Charge and Duration Table(Japan Post)
Required Shipping Information
We can ship ONLY to your PayPal address.
We need your phone number and for some countries, additional information like tax code is required.
It's a shame but we cancel your order if we do not get all these information within 7 days.
Shipping Arrange Request
We can arrange your shipping as much as we can do.
Please feel free to ask us anything about your shipping but before that, you have to complete your order with payment.
Shipping Arrange Request Form
***Do not worry to close your order and make payment before asking us to arrange.
We will refund or send another invoice for the difference to adjust.
Any questions, ask us freely!
Question Form