Nestled in Hokkaido, Japan, Lake Shikotsu is a pristine natural reserve known for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant fishing scene. The fishing season here spans from April to August, offering four months of prime angling opportunities.
Fish Species and Distribution
Lake Shikotsu is predominantly populated by trout, making up about 95% of the catch, with carp accounting for the remaining 5%. Anglers might also encounter other fish such as goby and rockfish, adding a bit of variety to their fishing expeditions.
Did You Know?
Lake Shikotsu is one of the deepest lakes in Japan and remains unfrozen throughout the winter despite its northern location. This unique trait is due to its depth which helps maintain a higher average temperature of the water.
Recommended Fishing Gear
To make the most out of your fishing trip to Lake Shikotsu, a good quality rod and reel are essential.