Loyalty Program
Save more and more on your purchases! Earn points and get rewards and privileges!
How to Earn and Use Points 🛒
How to earn points
Answer Surveys
Participate in events
Membership Rank 💳
Membership rank is determined based on your purchase history over the past 365 days, and rank changes daily. Rank advancement increases the point redemption rate!
How Points Are Earned: A Step-by-Step Example 🪙
For example, if you purchase a reel and rod set for 60,000 yen, points will be awarded based on the product price and rank, excluding shipping costs.Here’s how the points are calculated:
Rank 5 Customers: Earn 1% back in points
Product price: 60,000 yen
Shipping cost: 4,000 yen
Total: 64,000 yen
Points earned: 600 points
(equivalent to 600 yen)
Rank 3 Customers: Earn 2% back in points
Product price: 60,000 yen
Shipping cost: 4,000 yen
Total: 64,000 yen
Points earned: 1,200 points
(equivalent to 1,200 yen)
Earn more points based on your membership rank and special campaigns!
Frequently Asked Questions about Loyalty Programs 💭
A: Points are normally valid for one year at the time of order, but certain promotions and special offers may grant special points for shorter periods of time or extend the expiration date.
A: Currently, points can be used at 1 yen per point for merchandise purchases, but we plan to further expand the range of use, such as in exchange for rewards.
Upcoming Services 🚀
We plan to add more services in the future to provide our members with a more rewarding and enjoyable experience!
1, Redeem Rewards for Special Goods
Earn high points and exchange them for exclusive fishing gear and special items!
2, Refer-a-Friend System
Refer a friend and both parties will receive points and rewards!
3, Double Points Campaign
Double Points Campaigns will be held at certain times of the year!
4, Tournaments and Events
Participate in fishing tournaments and events to earn points and prizes!
5, Other Benefits
Other unique benefits will be released from time to time.