Q: How did you start fishing?
A: It was me and my father’s favorite thing to do in my youth!

Q: How long have you been fishing?
A: 20+ Years of Fishing with over 300 Species Caught throughout the United States.

Q1: Please tell us how you learned about Japanese fishing tackle and why you decided to try it.
A: I first learned about Japanese tackle in 2017 when I did saltwater fishing, jigging equipment from Japan was far more advanced. Throughout the process, I learned about Japanese bass and ultralight tackle. I purchased tackle from JDM Tackle Heaven because I could find innovative products not available from local retailers. The quality and attention to detail on these items are unmatched. I firmly believe I have an advantage using the tackle from Japan. I like to make the most out of every day on the water, and I feel like I get more bites. It is great to have tackle that is suited specifically for the techniques you are trying to apply. As fishing gets more popular and technology advances, it is getting harder to catch fish. By applying innovative lures and techniques, I am able to show fish on my local waters something they have not seen before.
Q2: If you could go fishing in Japan, where would you like to go?
A: If I could go to fishing in Japan, I would love to finesse fish the legendary Lake Biwa. I love the challenge of fishing big lakes, I mainly fish large public lakes here in the United States that receive a lot of pressure. I would love to fish on this lake because it is very hard, and I am sure I would be able to learn something new I can apply in the future. I would love to learn more about their baitfish such as wakasagi, and how the bass react and feed. Every fisherman should strive to be a biologist. Every day on the water is a learning experience, and compound knowledge is very valuable. I also would love the adventure of fishing big water along with the great scenery Japan has to offer.

Q3: Do you have any advice for people who are thinking of acquiring Japanese fishing tackle?
A: My greatest piece of advice is to do some research, YouTube is a very valuable resource. Find some Japanese tackle that best suits your techniques, and purchase them to try for yourself! JDM Tackle Heaven is one of the easiest Japanese retailer sites to navigate and make your selections. My opinion on Japanese fishing tackle is once you buy some, you will want some more after you see firsthand the difference in performance and quality. It is a wonderful opportunity that we are able to share the joys of fishing internationally.
Q4: What significance does "fishing" hold for you??
A: To me, my life revolves around fishing. I grew up next to a small lake, and some years I fished more days than not. My life revolves around the adventure, the patience, persistence and the grind. You can apply a lot of the skills you learn while fishing to your everyday life. I live for the next adventure and it always gives me something to look forward to. I feel like this hobby has not only allowed me to strive harder in my life’s journey, but also brings me much peace and positivity. The best part about this passion is you can fish your whole life and it does not discriminate. The key determinants are striving to hone your skills, learn from your mistakes and to never give up! If I had one last piece of advice, it will be to always make small goals and quests in your fishing lifestyle to shoot for. It makes it very gratifying to achieve something you worked hard for!
Kyle has a great YouTube channel dedicated to fishing!
Below you can check out his unboxing video of our super ultralight rods!