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Are the world's best reels in Japan?

Are the world's best reels in Japan?

Caution: This article contains personal opinions. Please make your choice as to which product to purchase based on objective information. 
 Umm, what a beautiful reel! 
Oh, Airi, what are you talking about?
 Kazumi, look at this! So gorgeous! Today I talked with a customer about the world best reel, Stella. 
Oh, you mean, Shimano 22 Stella! Yes, it is one of the best spinning reels. 
 What? One of? Is there any other best reels in the world? 
I think Daiwa 22 Exist is the top of the best. 
 Really? I think Stella is the best of the best! 
Well, If you say so, let's compare Shimano 22 Stella and Daiwa 22 Exist. 
 Firstly, Stella has a nice and silky reeling. It is very comfortable and no stress. It's a difference you can tell as soon as you grab it in your hand without actually going fishing. I want to keep turning it forever. 
Yes, it is smooth, but you can turn the Exist handle easier than Stella. So you don't have to too much power when you retrieve. 
Also it is good at pausing. It can give the lure a vivid action. 
 So Stella is for fishing that keeps on rolling all the time. On the other hand, Exist is for fishing that pause and swim a lure. 
 I see. It depends on how you fish, you can say one is better than the other. 
22 Exist is lighter than 22 Stella. If your fishing is finesse fishing or light game fishing, it works well. 
Comparing to 22 Exist, 22 Stella is a bit heavier. When a heavier lure is used or stability is needed when a strong load is placed on it, 22 Stella is perfect. 
I would like to know more about Stella. Let's ask our customers. 
I will ask the customers who bought Exist as well.
If you have 22 Stella/ 22 Exist, please let us know how it is. What fish do you fish with it? If you have both of them, please compare them. We need your impression and opinion!

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My name is Lucas Cinti. I have a fishing products store here in Brazil. I sell new, used, pre-owned and showcase products.

I sell more Shimano brand products. Do you have products to sell me?

And can you send it to Brazil?


Lucas Cinti

Lucas Cinti,

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