Behind the Scenes at JDM Tackle Heaven ✍️

Behind the Scenes at JDM Tackle Heaven ✍️

Apr 07, 2023梶井愛莉

Hello. How are you all doing?

My name is Airi from JDM Tackle Heaven.

April has arrived in Japan, and the weather has become warmer and more comfortable.

There is a large pond near where I live, and on weekends I see anglers and others gathering to enjoy fishing.
I am very curious to see what they catch.

Do you have a place to fish near your house?
One of our customers has a river in front of his house and fishes almost every day.
I would like to spend my life like that someday.


Now, we would like to introduce the other side of JDM Tackle Heaven for first-time buyers as well as for our regular customers.

Where is it being shipped from?
Is it properly packaged?
Has it been carefully inspected?

Customers with concerns should take a look.

We ship our products from a place called Gunma, Japan.
In this building, we have a warehouse for storing inventory, a workbench for packing products, a space for photography, a showroom, and many other places to deliver our products to our customers.

Countless inventories are stored at this location.

In order to deliver the products to customers as quickly as possible, they are categorized in detail.
This minimizes pickup time

After picking up the items, the next step is to inspect them.
We check for scratches and stains in a well-lit area.
We also check that the rod is straight and that there are no warping problems,
Our professional inspectors take their time to inspect the goods.

And our most important part is the packaging.
The goods we ship are flown and sent to distant destinations.
We pack them carefully so that they will not be damaged during that time.

Many of our customers have seen these PVC tubes. It is used to ship rods.We cut the tubes wholeheartedly to fit the products ordered by our customers.

Finally, a sticker warning of breakage is applied to complete the process.
We also attach our original sticker so that you can tell at a glance what you have received.

How was it? This is a brief but informative look behind the scenes at JDM Tackle Heaven.

We, the staff, always ship our products with the desire to please our customers. This feeling is second to none.

We will continue to pack each item carefully.
If you have any questions, please contact me anytime.

Thank you very much.

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